Welcome to Our FTP Site. File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is the way to upload your files onto our server, and/or to retrieve your files from us.

To Upload Your File to Us...
1. You MUST Stuff or Zip your files before uploading, even if it is just one file. You can use Stuffit Expander Lite, a demo version, for free if you don't have it already.
2.  Choose "Send a File", from the left menu.
3. Fill out your name, your e-mail address, the job description, and hit the "Browse" button to find the file you want to send.
4. Hit the "Upload Files" button.

To Download Your File from Us...
1.  Choose "Get a File", from the left menu.
2. Select the File from the list.
3. A pop-up window will appear. Hit "Save."

Important: Zipped/Stuffit Files must not have spaces or special characters in naming scheme when uploading.